Merchant Cash Advance

Working capital for your business.

For Inquiries Call: 213-213-5237


The Product

Merchant cash advances gives small to medium businesses flexible access to up to $250k in working capital. Unlike a loan, the funds can be received in under a day, and the money is paid back over time with the funds that the business is already earning in revenue.

Additionally, this alternative-lending option is not solely dependent on the merchant’s credit scores, but rather their monthly income as determined by bank statements.  It is a quick and practical way to fund your business growth.



The Customer

To qualify for cash advances, merchants must:

Be in business for at least 3 months

Have over $9,000 of monthly income



The Process

Applying for an advance is a simple, 4-step process:

1. COMPLETE the online application

2. UPLOAD 3 months of your business’ bank statements

3. REVIEW funding offer terms and sign a contract

4. RECEIVE the funds - wired to your bank in as little as 24 hours


Find out how much your business qualifies for in funding:

